Kabel Fiber

menggunakan kabel serat optik fiber optic akan tetapi digabungkan By 2.bp.blogspot.com
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What if you could replace your old hardline coax with fiber without having to pull it down from poles or dig it up? Technology from Kabel-X is designed to do exactly that. Since its U.S. debut at the SCTE's Cable-Tec Expo in June, Kabel-X has been drawing The technology being used in the test neighborhood is from Kabel-X USA LLC of Davie, Fla. Installation of fiber optics will allow Buckeye CableSystem to deliver more bandwidth for future services such as better high-definition or even 3-D television. Kabel-X uses a patented method, which is already used in Germany and Austria. Essentially it strips out the inner core of a copper cable, so that a replacement fiber optic core can be inserted in its place. "A typical cable has an inner core of copper (it Fiber can transfer data as pulses of light over long distances Last year, it beat Malone’s Liberty Global to buy Kabel Deutschland Holding AG for more than $10 billion. Liberty took over Virgin Media Inc. a year ago for $16 billion in cash and Kabel Deutschland's fiber optic cables offer higher Internet data transmission speeds than the decades-old copper cables of rival Deutsche Telekom. Telekom's number of fixed-line customers has shrunk 3.4% since the end of last year. Kabel Deutschland's Although the facility relies mostly on coaxial cable, it is worth mentioning the school's HFC (hybrid fiber-coax) plant had recently been upgraded to 862MHz, the standard cut-off point for high-end coax. To reach 4.7Gbps, Kabel Deutschland bonded twelve .

Global and China Optical Fiber Preform Industry Report, 2013-2016 mainly focuses on the followings Furukawa Electric, NV Twentsche Kabel Holding (TKH), Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable Company Ltd. (YOFC), Hengtong Optic-electric Co., Ltd But the chief threat is now coming from familiar foe Vodafone, emboldened by its recent takeover of cable supremo Kabel Deutschland. (See Fiber Revival at Deutsche Telekom.) In a recent interview with Bloomberg, Jens Schulte-Bockum, the head of Vodafone's The Kabel-X process is both as ingenious, as it is simple. It extracts the existing core of Telecom and Cable TV cables in their existing deployed environments and replaces them with upgraded fiber lines for next generation services. The cost savings and Seven-year-old Neotel is the big fixed-line competitor to the incumbent provider, Telkom, and it will give Vodacom both a next-generation fiber network and valuable s takeover of fixed-line outfit Kabel Deutschland in Germany for another example .

Another Picture of kabel fiber:

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1 Komentar untuk "Kabel Fiber"

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